10 Things NOT to Do in League of Legends

League of Legends (LoL) is a highly competitive and complex multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that demands strategy, teamwork, and skill. While many guides and articles focus on what you should do to improve in the game, it’s equally important to understand what you shouldn’t do. In this article, we’ll discuss 10 things you should avoid in League of Legends to become a better player and enjoy a more successful gaming experience.

  1. Don’t Neglect Wards

One of the most common mistakes in League of Legends is neglecting vision control by not using wards. Wards provide valuable information about enemy movements, objectives, and potential ganks. Failing to buy and place wards can leave your team vulnerable to ambushes and make it challenging to secure map control. As a responsible player, invest in wards, and use them strategically to protect your team and gain an edge over your opponents.

  1. Don’t Overextend

Overextending in your lane is a surefire way to get yourself killed and feed the enemy team. Overextension means pushing too far into the enemy’s territory without proper vision or awareness of your surroundings. This makes you an easy target for ganks. To avoid overextending, pay attention to the minimap, keep track of the enemy jungler’s location, and maintain a safe distance from the enemy turret.

  1. Don’t Flame or Engage in Toxic Behavior

Toxic behavior, including flaming, trolling, and berating teammates, is detrimental to the League of Legends community and to your own progress as a player. Not only does it create a negative atmosphere in the game, but it can also lead to bans and restrictions on your account. Instead of indulging in toxic behavior, focus on constructive communication and teamwork to enhance your chances of victory.

  1. Don’t Build the Same Items Every Game

League of Legends is a game of adaptability, and one of the critical elements of adaptation is itemization. Building the same items every game without considering the matchup and the flow of the game can be a significant mistake. To excel in LoL, learn to adjust your item build according to the needs of the match. This includes countering enemy champions and adjusting to different game states, such as falling behind or gaining an advantage.

  1. Don’t Facecheck

Facechecking refers to blindly walking into an unwarded bush or area, which can lead to an unpleasant surprise in the form of enemy champions waiting to ambush you. It’s a common mistake that can result in an early death and a loss of map control. Instead of facechecking, use skill shots or wards to safely check brush areas before proceeding.

  1. Don’t Underestimate the Importance of CS

Creep Score (CS) refers to the number of enemy minions you’ve killed in the game. Many players underestimate the importance of CS in favor of chasing kills or objectives. However, CS is a crucial source of gold and experience that can significantly impact your overall strength in the game. Make farming efficiently a priority to ensure a steady income of resources and a strong presence in battles.

  1. Don’t Engage Without Vision

Fighting without proper vision can lead to disastrous outcomes. Blindly engaging an enemy team in the jungle or other unwarded areas can result in unfavorable skirmishes or being caught out of position. Ensure that you have vision of the area you’re about to enter, especially when planning to contest objectives or initiate fights.

  1. Don’t Play on Tilt

League of Legends can be a frustrating game at times, but allowing your emotions to take control of your decisions is a mistake. Playing on tilt, or when you’re frustrated or angry, can lead to poor judgment and risky plays. Take breaks when necessary to reset your mindset and return to the game with a fresh and focused perspective.

  1. Don’t Tunnel Vision

Tunnel vision occurs when you become overly fixated on a single objective or opponent, losing sight of the bigger picture. This can lead to ignoring map awareness, missing crucial opportunities, and making poor decisions. Practice staying aware of the entire game, and regularly check the minimap to make informed decisions based on the evolving situation.

  1. Don’t Skip Communication

Effective communication with your team is essential in League of Legends. Neglecting to communicate can lead to misunderstandings, miscoordination, and missed opportunities. Use pings, chat, and voice chat (if available) to share information, call for assistance, and coordinate strategies with your teammates. Good communication can be the difference between victory and defeat.


Avoiding these 10 common mistakes in League of Legends can significantly improve your performance, enhance your gaming experience, and help you climb the ranks. By focusing on vision control, avoiding toxic behavior, adapting your itemization, and practicing better decision-making, you’ll be on your way to becoming a more successful and respected player in the League of Legends community. Always remember that continuous self-improvement is the key to mastering this challenging and rewarding game.

How To Make The Perfect Pizza

Pizza, a beloved dish that has captured the hearts and taste buds of people worldwide, is not just a fast-food staple. It’s a culinary art form that spans centuries, with origins rooted in the heart of Italy. The perfect pizza, a harmonious marriage of a crispy yet tender crust, flavorful sauce, fresh toppings, and gooey cheese, is a delight to the senses. In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of crafting the perfect pizza right in your own kitchen, exploring the key elements that make each bite a slice of heaven.

The Foundation: The Dough

The foundation of any perfect pizza is its dough. The dough should be elastic, flavorful, and with the right balance of chewiness and crispiness. Here’s how to make it:

  1. Ingredients:
    • 500g all-purpose flour
    • 1 packet (7g) active dry yeast
    • 1.5 cups warm water
    • 2 tablespoons olive oil
    • 1 teaspoon sugar
    • 1 teaspoon salt
  2. Preparation:
    • Mix warm water, sugar, and yeast in a bowl. Allow it to rest for 10 minutes, or until frothy.
    • In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour and salt. Add the yeast mixture and olive oil. Stir until it forms a dough.
    • Knead the dough on a floured surface for 5-7 minutes.
    • Place the dough in an oiled bowl, cover it with a damp cloth, and let it rise for 1-2 hours.
    • Once risen, punch down the dough and divide it into portions for individual pizzas.
    • Roll out each portion into a circle to your preferred thickness.

The Heart: The Sauce

A great pizza sauce should be rich, flavorful, and balance the sweetness of tomatoes with the zest of herbs and spices. Here’s how to make a basic tomato sauce for your pizza:

  1. Ingredients:
    • 1 can (400g) crushed tomatoes
    • 2 cloves garlic, minced
    • 2 tablespoons olive oil
    • 1 teaspoon sugar
    • Salt and pepper to taste
    • A pinch of dried oregano and basil
  2. Preparation:
    • Heat olive oil in a pan, add minced garlic, and sauté until fragrant.
    • Add the crushed tomatoes, sugar, oregano, basil, salt, and pepper.
    • Simmer the sauce for about 20-30 minutes until it thickens.
    • Allow the sauce to cool before spreading it on your pizza dough.

The Crown: Toppings

The art of pizza lies in the toppings. While classic toppings like mozzarella and pepperoni are timeless, there’s a world of creativity to explore. Here are some tips for topping your pizza:

  1. Cheese: The cheese should be of high quality and melt beautifully. Fresh mozzarella, Parmigiano-Reggiano, and provolone are popular choices.
  2. Vegetables: Fresh and colorful vegetables, such as bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, and olives, add flavor and texture. Remember to pre-cook veggies with high moisture content, like mushrooms, to prevent a soggy pizza.
  3. Meats: Classic meat toppings include pepperoni, sausage, and prosciutto. Cooked meats like chicken and bacon can also be fantastic choices.
  4. Fresh Herbs: Add fresh herbs like basil or arugula just before serving for a burst of flavor.
  5. Sauces: Experiment with different sauces, like pesto, barbecue, or Alfredo, for unique flavor profiles.

The Oven: Perfect Heat

A critical element in making the perfect pizza is the oven. If you have a wood-fired pizza oven, you’re in luck. For those using conventional ovens, here are some tips:

  1. Preheat: Preheat your oven as high as it will go (usually 500°F or 260°C) for at least 30 minutes. The high heat is essential for achieving that crispy crust.
  2. Pizza Stone: Use a pizza stone or a pizza steel, preheated with the oven. This helps distribute heat evenly and mimics the effects of a wood-fired oven.
  3. Pizza Peel: Invest in a pizza peel to easily slide your pizza onto the preheated stone or steel.
  4. Timing: The cooking time will depend on your oven, but most pizzas are done in 8-12 minutes. Keep a close eye to avoid burning.

The Finishing Touch: Fresh Herbs and Seasonings

The secret to elevating your pizza is in the finishing touches. After your pizza comes out of the oven, consider these options:

  1. Fresh Basil: A few fresh basil leaves placed on top of the pizza add a delightful aroma and burst of flavor.
  2. Red Pepper Flakes: For a touch of heat, sprinkle red pepper flakes over your pizza.
  3. Extra Virgin Olive Oil: A drizzle of high-quality extra virgin olive oil can enhance the overall taste.
  4. Grated Parmesan: A sprinkling of freshly grated Parmesan cheese adds a savory touch.

The Art of Patience: Let It Rest

The perfect pizza is hot out of the oven, but it’s also scorching. Let your creation rest for a few minutes before slicing into it. This allows the cheese to set and the sauce to settle, making for a neater and more enjoyable experience.

Pizza Variations and Creativity

While we’ve discussed the fundamentals of making a classic pizza, the beauty of pizza-making lies in its versatility. You can explore countless variations, from Neapolitan and Margherita to Hawaiian and BBQ chicken. Don’t be afraid to get creative and try new combinations of flavors and ingredients. The perfect pizza is the one you enjoy the most.


Making the perfect pizza is both a science and an art. It requires attention to detail, quality ingredients, and a dash of creativity. Whether you’re a fan of classic Margherita or a maverick of experimental toppings, making pizza from scratch can be a rewarding culinary adventure. So, roll up your sleeves, gather your favorite ingredients, and embark on a pizza-making journey that will leave your taste buds delighted and your kitchen filled with the irresistible aroma of freshly baked pizza.

10 Benefits of Playing Football

Football, also known as soccer in some parts of the world, is a sport that transcends boundaries and unites people from diverse backgrounds. It is the most popular sport globally, with millions of players and fans. While the thrill of watching a football match is undeniable, actively participating in the sport offers numerous benefits beyond just entertainment. In this article, we’ll explore ten remarkable advantages of playing football, emphasizing the physical, mental, and social aspects of the game.

Physical Fitness

One of the most obvious benefits of playing football is the physical fitness it promotes. Football is a highly demanding sport that requires players to sprint, jump, change direction, and maintain a high level of endurance throughout the game. This intense physical activity helps improve cardiovascular health, build strength, and enhance overall fitness levels.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Football is the ultimate team sport. It teaches players the value of working together to achieve a common goal. Learning to communicate, coordinate, and trust your teammates is a skill that extends far beyond the soccer field and can be applied in various aspects of life, including work and personal relationships.

Mental Toughness

Football is not just about physical prowess; it’s also a game of mental strength. Players face pressure, criticism, and challenging situations on the field. Learning to stay focused, remain resilient in the face of setbacks, and make quick decisions under pressure are vital skills developed through football.

Discipline and Time Management

To excel in football, players must adhere to a rigorous training schedule, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and manage their time effectively. This commitment fosters discipline and time management skills that can be advantageous in education, career, and daily life.

Improved Cardiovascular Health

Football involves a lot of running and high-intensity intervals, which is excellent for cardiovascular health. Regular participation in the sport helps to increase lung capacity, lower resting heart rate, and reduce the risk of heart-related diseases.

Social Interaction

Football provides a wonderful opportunity for social interaction and bonding. Joining a team or playing in a local league allows players to meet new people, form friendships, and engage in a sense of community. The social aspect of football can lead to lasting relationships and a sense of belonging.

Confidence and Self-Esteem

Achieving success in football, whether it’s scoring a goal, making a great pass, or contributing to the team’s victory, boosts self-confidence and self-esteem. These positive feelings can carry over into other areas of life, leading to increased self-assuredness.

Leadership Skills

Many football players eventually take on leadership roles within their teams. Being a captain or a vocal player on the field fosters leadership skills, including the ability to motivate and inspire others, make critical decisions, and lead by example.

Cognitive Development

Football requires strategic thinking and quick decision-making. Players must assess the field, anticipate opponents’ actions, and plan their next move. This mental agility contributes to cognitive development and can enhance problem-solving skills.

Stress Relief

Playing football can be an excellent stress reliever. The combination of physical activity, camaraderie, and the sheer enjoyment of the game helps reduce stress and improve overall mental well-being. For many, a match on the pitch is a therapeutic escape from the demands of daily life.


Football is not just a game; it’s a powerful tool for personal growth and development. The benefits of playing football extend far beyond the field, encompassing physical fitness, mental strength, teamwork, and a sense of belonging. Whether you’re a seasoned player or someone considering taking up the sport, the advantages of football are undeniable. So, lace up your boots, head to the pitch, and experience the many joys and benefits that come with playing the beautiful game of football.

All League of Legends Roles in 2023

League of Legends, the immensely popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Riot Games, has continued to evolve over the years. With each new season and patch, the game introduces changes to champions, items, and overall gameplay. In 2023, League of Legends has undergone significant developments, and one of the core aspects that has evolved is the concept of roles within the game.

In this article, we will explore the various roles in League of Legends as of 2023. These roles include top lane, jungle, mid lane, bot lane, and support, each serving a unique purpose in the game. We will delve into the responsibilities, strategies, and champion choices associated with each role, highlighting the meta and current trends within the League of Legends community.

Top Lane

The top lane in League of Legends is a solitary battleground where players face off in a 1v1 duel. In 2023, the top lane remains a crucial part of the game’s strategy, with various champion picks and playstyles. The primary objectives of a top laner are to secure farm, maintain vision control, and disrupt the enemy team.

Top lane champions are typically divided into three categories: tanks, bruisers, and split-pushers. Tanks, like Ornn and Malphite, are known for their durability and crowd control abilities, making them valuable for initiating team fights. Bruisers, such as Darius and Garen, focus on dishing out damage while being reasonably durable. Split-pushers, like Fiora and Jax, excel at pushing lanes and taking down towers.

In 2023, top lane diversity is at an all-time high. Players are experimenting with a variety of champions, and the meta is constantly shifting. Adaptability and understanding the match-up dynamics are key to success in the top lane.


The jungle role has been pivotal to League of Legends since its inception. Junglers are responsible for farming neutral monsters, ganking lanes, and controlling objectives like the Dragon and Baron Nashor. In 2023, the jungle has witnessed several changes, with new jungle paths, items, and champions entering the meta.

The role now encompasses a wide range of champions, each with its own unique strengths and playstyle. Some popular jungle champions in 2023 include Rengar, Lee Sin, and Hecarim for their early game aggression and mobility. Meanwhile, champions like Amumu and Zac bring strong initiation and crowd control to team fights.

Junglers are also integral to securing objectives and controlling the map. Vision, objective control, and synergy with the laners are vital aspects of jungle play. In 2023, junglers must constantly adapt to evolving strategies and changes in the jungle environment.

Mid Lane

The mid lane in League of Legends is often considered the center of action. Mid laners have the responsibility of controlling the map and providing strong damage output for their team. As of 2023, mid lane champions come in a wide variety, ranging from mages and assassins to control-oriented champions.

Mages like Syndra, Orianna, and Azir excel at dealing sustained damage and providing crowd control. Assassins, such as Zed and Akali, focus on eliminating key targets swiftly. Control mages like Anivia and Viktor dominate in the late game with their area denial abilities.

Mid laners are crucial in controlling objectives and roaming to help other lanes. They need to balance aggression with caution, as they are often a primary target for ganks. The mid lane meta in 2023 reflects the diverse champion pool, with opportunities for both burst damage and utility.

Bot Lane

The bot lane in League of Legends is a duo lane comprising an ADC (Attack Damage Carry) and a support. ADCs are responsible for dealing physical damage and carrying their team in the late game. Supports provide crowd control, vision, and protection for the ADC. In 2023, the bot lane continues to be a dynamic duo.

Popular ADCs in 2023 include Jhin, Kai’Sa, and Aphelios, each with unique mechanics and playstyles. Support champions like Thresh, Leona, and Seraphine offer a mix of engage and utility to complement their ADC.

Bot lane dynamics are heavily influenced by the synergy between the ADC and support. Map awareness, vision control, and proper positioning are vital for bot lane success. The bot lane is also essential for securing the Dragon, as it’s closer to the pit, making it a strategic battleground.


Supports are the unsung heroes of League of Legends, often responsible for setting up plays and protecting their teammates. In 2023, the support role has seen various changes and innovations.

Support champions are typically divided into categories such as engage, peel, and enchanters. Engage supports, like Alistar and Nautilus, initiate fights with crowd control abilities. Peel supports, such as Janna and Lulu, protect their allies with shields and crowd control. Enchanters, like Seraphine and Yuumi, provide healing and utility to their team.

Supports must adapt to the needs of their team and the state of the game. Warding, map control, and roam timing are key aspects of support play. In 2023, the support role remains critical for ensuring the survival and success of the ADC.

League of Legends 2023 Meta and Trends

The meta in League of Legends is constantly evolving, influenced by patch updates, balance changes, and professional play. As of 2023, several trends and strategies are prominent in the game:

  1. Diverse Champion Pool: In 2023, the champion pool for each role is more diverse than ever. Players are experimenting with unconventional picks, which can catch opponents off guard.
  2. Objectives: Objective control, particularly around the Dragon and Baron Nashor, is paramount. Teams that secure these objectives gain significant advantages, making them a central focus for both professional and casual play.
  3. Roaming and Map Control: Players are placing a strong emphasis on map control, effective warding, and roaming to support other lanes. This helps secure advantages and control the flow of the game.
  4. Flex Picks: Flex picks have become a common strategy, where champions can be played in multiple roles. This provides a strategic advantage by keeping opponents guessing.
  5. Early Game Aggression: The early game is crucial, and champions with strong early game presence are highly sought after. Early leads can often snowball into victory.
  6. New Items: The introduction of new items and item reworks in recent patches has led to shifts in the meta as players experiment with different build paths and strategies.


In 2023, League of Legends continues to evolve, and the roles within the game remain as vital as ever. Each role brings a unique set of responsibilities and strategies, contributing to the complex and dynamic nature of the game. As the meta shifts, players must adapt, experiment, and stay up to date with the latest trends to find success on the Summoner’s Rift. Whether you’re a top laner, jungler, mid laner, ADC, or support, League of Legends offers a diverse and engaging experience for players of all skill levels.