10 Things NOT to Do in League of Legends

League of Legends (LoL) is a highly competitive and complex multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that demands strategy, teamwork, and skill. While many guides and articles focus on what you should do to improve in the game, it’s equally important to understand what you shouldn’t do. In this article, we’ll discuss 10 things you should avoid in League of Legends to become a better player and enjoy a more successful gaming experience.

  1. Don’t Neglect Wards

One of the most common mistakes in League of Legends is neglecting vision control by not using wards. Wards provide valuable information about enemy movements, objectives, and potential ganks. Failing to buy and place wards can leave your team vulnerable to ambushes and make it challenging to secure map control. As a responsible player, invest in wards, and use them strategically to protect your team and gain an edge over your opponents.

  1. Don’t Overextend

Overextending in your lane is a surefire way to get yourself killed and feed the enemy team. Overextension means pushing too far into the enemy’s territory without proper vision or awareness of your surroundings. This makes you an easy target for ganks. To avoid overextending, pay attention to the minimap, keep track of the enemy jungler’s location, and maintain a safe distance from the enemy turret.

  1. Don’t Flame or Engage in Toxic Behavior

Toxic behavior, including flaming, trolling, and berating teammates, is detrimental to the League of Legends community and to your own progress as a player. Not only does it create a negative atmosphere in the game, but it can also lead to bans and restrictions on your account. Instead of indulging in toxic behavior, focus on constructive communication and teamwork to enhance your chances of victory.

  1. Don’t Build the Same Items Every Game

League of Legends is a game of adaptability, and one of the critical elements of adaptation is itemization. Building the same items every game without considering the matchup and the flow of the game can be a significant mistake. To excel in LoL, learn to adjust your item build according to the needs of the match. This includes countering enemy champions and adjusting to different game states, such as falling behind or gaining an advantage.

  1. Don’t Facecheck

Facechecking refers to blindly walking into an unwarded bush or area, which can lead to an unpleasant surprise in the form of enemy champions waiting to ambush you. It’s a common mistake that can result in an early death and a loss of map control. Instead of facechecking, use skill shots or wards to safely check brush areas before proceeding.

  1. Don’t Underestimate the Importance of CS

Creep Score (CS) refers to the number of enemy minions you’ve killed in the game. Many players underestimate the importance of CS in favor of chasing kills or objectives. However, CS is a crucial source of gold and experience that can significantly impact your overall strength in the game. Make farming efficiently a priority to ensure a steady income of resources and a strong presence in battles.

  1. Don’t Engage Without Vision

Fighting without proper vision can lead to disastrous outcomes. Blindly engaging an enemy team in the jungle or other unwarded areas can result in unfavorable skirmishes or being caught out of position. Ensure that you have vision of the area you’re about to enter, especially when planning to contest objectives or initiate fights.

  1. Don’t Play on Tilt

League of Legends can be a frustrating game at times, but allowing your emotions to take control of your decisions is a mistake. Playing on tilt, or when you’re frustrated or angry, can lead to poor judgment and risky plays. Take breaks when necessary to reset your mindset and return to the game with a fresh and focused perspective.

  1. Don’t Tunnel Vision

Tunnel vision occurs when you become overly fixated on a single objective or opponent, losing sight of the bigger picture. This can lead to ignoring map awareness, missing crucial opportunities, and making poor decisions. Practice staying aware of the entire game, and regularly check the minimap to make informed decisions based on the evolving situation.

  1. Don’t Skip Communication

Effective communication with your team is essential in League of Legends. Neglecting to communicate can lead to misunderstandings, miscoordination, and missed opportunities. Use pings, chat, and voice chat (if available) to share information, call for assistance, and coordinate strategies with your teammates. Good communication can be the difference between victory and defeat.


Avoiding these 10 common mistakes in League of Legends can significantly improve your performance, enhance your gaming experience, and help you climb the ranks. By focusing on vision control, avoiding toxic behavior, adapting your itemization, and practicing better decision-making, you’ll be on your way to becoming a more successful and respected player in the League of Legends community. Always remember that continuous self-improvement is the key to mastering this challenging and rewarding game.

All League of Legends Roles in 2023

League of Legends, the immensely popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Riot Games, has continued to evolve over the years. With each new season and patch, the game introduces changes to champions, items, and overall gameplay. In 2023, League of Legends has undergone significant developments, and one of the core aspects that has evolved is the concept of roles within the game.

In this article, we will explore the various roles in League of Legends as of 2023. These roles include top lane, jungle, mid lane, bot lane, and support, each serving a unique purpose in the game. We will delve into the responsibilities, strategies, and champion choices associated with each role, highlighting the meta and current trends within the League of Legends community.

Top Lane

The top lane in League of Legends is a solitary battleground where players face off in a 1v1 duel. In 2023, the top lane remains a crucial part of the game’s strategy, with various champion picks and playstyles. The primary objectives of a top laner are to secure farm, maintain vision control, and disrupt the enemy team.

Top lane champions are typically divided into three categories: tanks, bruisers, and split-pushers. Tanks, like Ornn and Malphite, are known for their durability and crowd control abilities, making them valuable for initiating team fights. Bruisers, such as Darius and Garen, focus on dishing out damage while being reasonably durable. Split-pushers, like Fiora and Jax, excel at pushing lanes and taking down towers.

In 2023, top lane diversity is at an all-time high. Players are experimenting with a variety of champions, and the meta is constantly shifting. Adaptability and understanding the match-up dynamics are key to success in the top lane.


The jungle role has been pivotal to League of Legends since its inception. Junglers are responsible for farming neutral monsters, ganking lanes, and controlling objectives like the Dragon and Baron Nashor. In 2023, the jungle has witnessed several changes, with new jungle paths, items, and champions entering the meta.

The role now encompasses a wide range of champions, each with its own unique strengths and playstyle. Some popular jungle champions in 2023 include Rengar, Lee Sin, and Hecarim for their early game aggression and mobility. Meanwhile, champions like Amumu and Zac bring strong initiation and crowd control to team fights.

Junglers are also integral to securing objectives and controlling the map. Vision, objective control, and synergy with the laners are vital aspects of jungle play. In 2023, junglers must constantly adapt to evolving strategies and changes in the jungle environment.

Mid Lane

The mid lane in League of Legends is often considered the center of action. Mid laners have the responsibility of controlling the map and providing strong damage output for their team. As of 2023, mid lane champions come in a wide variety, ranging from mages and assassins to control-oriented champions.

Mages like Syndra, Orianna, and Azir excel at dealing sustained damage and providing crowd control. Assassins, such as Zed and Akali, focus on eliminating key targets swiftly. Control mages like Anivia and Viktor dominate in the late game with their area denial abilities.

Mid laners are crucial in controlling objectives and roaming to help other lanes. They need to balance aggression with caution, as they are often a primary target for ganks. The mid lane meta in 2023 reflects the diverse champion pool, with opportunities for both burst damage and utility.

Bot Lane

The bot lane in League of Legends is a duo lane comprising an ADC (Attack Damage Carry) and a support. ADCs are responsible for dealing physical damage and carrying their team in the late game. Supports provide crowd control, vision, and protection for the ADC. In 2023, the bot lane continues to be a dynamic duo.

Popular ADCs in 2023 include Jhin, Kai’Sa, and Aphelios, each with unique mechanics and playstyles. Support champions like Thresh, Leona, and Seraphine offer a mix of engage and utility to complement their ADC.

Bot lane dynamics are heavily influenced by the synergy between the ADC and support. Map awareness, vision control, and proper positioning are vital for bot lane success. The bot lane is also essential for securing the Dragon, as it’s closer to the pit, making it a strategic battleground.


Supports are the unsung heroes of League of Legends, often responsible for setting up plays and protecting their teammates. In 2023, the support role has seen various changes and innovations.

Support champions are typically divided into categories such as engage, peel, and enchanters. Engage supports, like Alistar and Nautilus, initiate fights with crowd control abilities. Peel supports, such as Janna and Lulu, protect their allies with shields and crowd control. Enchanters, like Seraphine and Yuumi, provide healing and utility to their team.

Supports must adapt to the needs of their team and the state of the game. Warding, map control, and roam timing are key aspects of support play. In 2023, the support role remains critical for ensuring the survival and success of the ADC.

League of Legends 2023 Meta and Trends

The meta in League of Legends is constantly evolving, influenced by patch updates, balance changes, and professional play. As of 2023, several trends and strategies are prominent in the game:

  1. Diverse Champion Pool: In 2023, the champion pool for each role is more diverse than ever. Players are experimenting with unconventional picks, which can catch opponents off guard.
  2. Objectives: Objective control, particularly around the Dragon and Baron Nashor, is paramount. Teams that secure these objectives gain significant advantages, making them a central focus for both professional and casual play.
  3. Roaming and Map Control: Players are placing a strong emphasis on map control, effective warding, and roaming to support other lanes. This helps secure advantages and control the flow of the game.
  4. Flex Picks: Flex picks have become a common strategy, where champions can be played in multiple roles. This provides a strategic advantage by keeping opponents guessing.
  5. Early Game Aggression: The early game is crucial, and champions with strong early game presence are highly sought after. Early leads can often snowball into victory.
  6. New Items: The introduction of new items and item reworks in recent patches has led to shifts in the meta as players experiment with different build paths and strategies.


In 2023, League of Legends continues to evolve, and the roles within the game remain as vital as ever. Each role brings a unique set of responsibilities and strategies, contributing to the complex and dynamic nature of the game. As the meta shifts, players must adapt, experiment, and stay up to date with the latest trends to find success on the Summoner’s Rift. Whether you’re a top laner, jungler, mid laner, ADC, or support, League of Legends offers a diverse and engaging experience for players of all skill levels.

Why League of Legends Is Lagging?

League of Legends, one of the most popular online multiplayer battle arena (MOBA) games, has captivated millions of players worldwide. Its fast-paced gameplay and competitive nature make it both exhilarating and challenging. However, players often encounter one significant roadblock – lag. Lag can be the bane of any gamer’s existence, and in League of Legends, it can mean the difference between victory and defeat. In this article, we will explore the reasons why League of Legends lags and offer solutions to address performance issues, so you can enjoy a smoother gaming experience.

Understanding the Anatomy of Lag

Before we delve into the specifics of why League of Legends lags, let’s clarify what lag is and how it affects gameplay. In the gaming context, lag refers to a noticeable delay between a player’s input (e.g., clicking to move or using an ability) and the corresponding action taking place on the screen. This delay can lead to frustrating and disruptive experiences in-game, causing missed opportunities, poor reactions, and even losses.

Lag in League of Legends can manifest in several ways:

  1. FPS Lag: This is a drop in the frames per second (FPS) rate, resulting in a choppy and less fluid visual experience. Players often report FPS drops during team fights or in densely animated areas.
  2. Ping Lag: High ping is characterized by delayed communication between your computer and the game server. A high ping can lead to input delays and character movement issues.
  3. Packet Loss: Packet loss occurs when data packets sent between your computer and the game server are lost in transit. This can result in inconsistent character movement and ability usage.
  4. Stuttering: Stuttering is a jumpy and uneven movement of your character or in-game elements, which can severely impact gameplay.

Common Causes of Lag in League of Legends

League of Legends lag can have a variety of underlying causes. Let’s explore some of the most common reasons:

1. Internet Connection Issues

A stable and high-speed internet connection is paramount for online gaming. Lag can occur if your internet connection is slow, unreliable, or experiencing congestion. Common issues include:

  • High ping times: A high ping indicates that data is taking a longer time to travel between your computer and the game server. This delay can result from a weak or inconsistent connection.
  • Packet loss: Packet loss, as mentioned earlier, happens when data packets are dropped during transmission. This can cause your actions in-game to be delayed or lost.
  • Network congestion: When multiple devices are using your internet connection simultaneously, your bandwidth may be divided, leading to lag spikes in your game.

2. System Performance

Your computer’s hardware and software play a critical role in the game’s performance. Inadequate hardware or background processes can contribute to lag. Common factors include:

  • Low system specifications: Playing League of Legends on a computer that doesn’t meet the game’s minimum requirements can lead to poor performance and lag.
  • Background applications: Running resource-intensive applications or having too many programs open can strain your system and cause performance issues.
  • Outdated graphics drivers: Using outdated graphics drivers can lead to graphical glitches, low FPS, and overall performance problems.

3. In-Game Settings

Your in-game settings, such as graphics options and frame rate caps, can also affect performance. These settings include:

  • Graphics settings: High-quality graphics settings demand more from your hardware, potentially causing lag if your system isn’t up to the task.
  • Frame rate caps: Some players cap their frame rate to a specific value, which can impact performance. However, higher frame rates can lead to smoother gameplay, reducing lag.
  • Full-screen vs. windowed mode: Playing in full-screen mode typically offers better performance compared to windowed or borderless windowed modes.

4. Server-Side Issues

Issues on the server side can cause lag for all players in a game. These issues may include:

  • Server overload: If the game server is overwhelmed by a high number of concurrent players, it can result in performance degradation.
  • DDoS attacks: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks can disrupt game servers, causing lag and instability.
  • Server maintenance or updates: Scheduled server maintenance or updates can temporarily disrupt the gaming experience.

5. Geographical Distance

Your physical location in relation to the game server can influence your ping and overall performance. The farther you are from the server, the longer it takes for data to travel between your computer and the server, resulting in higher latency.

6. Third-Party Software

Running third-party software, especially resource-intensive applications or those that interfere with game processes, can lead to lag in League of Legends. This includes applications like streaming software, recording tools, or overlays.

Resolving Lag Issues in League of Legends

Now that we’ve explored the common causes of lag in League of Legends, let’s discuss practical steps to address these issues and optimize your gaming experience.

1. Check Your Internet Connection

  • Run a speed test to determine your current internet speed and ensure it meets the recommended requirements for League of Legends.
  • Use a wired connection if possible. Wired connections are generally more stable than Wi-Fi.
  • Close any applications or devices that may be consuming bandwidth while you’re playing.
  • Consider using a gaming VPN to optimize your connection by reducing latency and packet loss.

2. Optimize System Performance

  • Ensure your computer meets or exceeds the game’s system requirements.
  • Close unnecessary background applications and processes to free up system resources.
  • Keep your graphics drivers up to date by visiting the website of your graphics card manufacturer.
  • Adjust your in-game settings. Experiment with lowering graphics settings, disabling frame rate caps, or changing the display mode to full-screen.

3. Choose the Right Server

Selecting the correct server can significantly impact your ping. Choose a server that is geographically closer to your location to reduce latency.

4. Monitor for Server-Side Issues

Check for server status updates or maintenance schedules on the official League of Legends website or social media channels. Server issues usually affect all players and are beyond individual control.

5. Disable or Optimize Third-Party Software

Close or optimize any third-party software that may interfere with your game. This includes overlays, recording software, and other resource-intensive applications.

6. Troubleshoot Network Issues

If you experience lag consistently, consider using network diagnostic tools to identify and address specific issues with your connection. This may involve working with your internet service provider (ISP) to improve your network stability.

7. Utilize Riot Games Support Resources

Riot Games provides comprehensive support resources, including a dedicated support website and forums where you can find information and solutions to common issues. You can also submit a support ticket if you encounter persistent problems.

8. Hardware Upgrades

If you consistently experience lag despite following the above steps, it may be time to consider hardware upgrades. Upgrading your computer’s components, such as your graphics card or increasing your RAM, can significantly improve your gaming performance.


League of Legends lag can be a frustrating impediment to your gaming enjoyment, but with the right knowledge and strategies, you can significantly reduce or eliminate it. By addressing internet connection issues, optimizing your system, monitoring server status, and minimizing the impact of third-party software, you can enhance your in-game performance.

League of Legends offers a competitive and thrilling gaming experience, and with a smoother, lag-free gameplay environment, you can fully immerse yourself in the world of champions and summoner spells. By understanding the causes of lag and taking appropriate actions, you can ensure that your League of Legends sessions are characterized by triumph rather than frustration.

Navigating the League: A Comprehensive Role Breakdown

When I first stepped into the vibrant and tumultuous world of League of Legends, the sheer complexity of the game was intimidating. Here, strategy, teamwork, and individual skills combine, forming a tapestry of endless possibilities. But fret not! I’ve been there, lost amidst the lanes and jungles, unsure of where I fit in. And after countless hours of gameplay, research, and seeking guidance from the pros, I’ve managed to unravel the intriguing roles of this game. So, allow me to guide you on a voyage through the rift.

1. Top Lane: The Solitary Titan

Imagine being the lone wolf, stationed at the island known as the top lane. Historically, it’s the realm of tanks and bruisers – characters with hefty durability or ones that evolve into late-game powerhouses. The top laner’s responsibility? Dictate the tempo for side objectives, especially for the Rift Herald, and act as a front-line during team clashes. If you relish duels, the top lane awaits you.

For deeper insights, I found Mobalytics incredibly helpful. They offer a plethora of top lane guides to help polish your skills.

2. Jungle: The Game’s Pulse

Roaming between lanes, the jungler is the heartbeat of the team. Responsible for slaying neutral monsters, they’re also the wildcards, springing ambushes or ‘ganks’ on unsuspecting enemies. Their unpredictable nature can swing the momentum in their team’s favor. A successful jungler requires map awareness, the ability to judge when to engage, and efficient pathing through the jungle.

Want to understand jungle routes and tactics? ProGuides has a series of enlightening tutorials.

3. Mid Lane: The Dynamic Duelist

Ah, the mid lane, where magic meets might. Often, mid laners are assassins or mages – bursty characters that can swiftly eliminate foes. Mid is pivotal. Why? Its central position offers accessibility to other lanes, allowing mid laners to aid their teammates rapidly. Additionally, mid lane champions usually carry significant damage potential, making them invaluable in team fights.

Newbies and veterans alike swear by Skill Capped for improving mid lane mechanics and strategies.

4. Bot Lane: ADC (Attack Damage Carry) & Support: The Dynamic Duo

Here, harmony is key. The bot lane hosts two champions: the ADC and the Support.

  • ADC (Attack Damage Carry): The glass cannon. While initially fragile, with proper farming (killing minions for gold) and with the protection of their support, ADCs can unleash devastating damage. Late game? They’re often the primary damage dealers.
  • Support: The unsung hero. Whether they’re shielding the ADC, setting up kills, or ensuring vision with wards, their versatility can’t be overstated. They might not be the spotlight grabbers, but a team without an efficient support often crumbles.

For anyone looking to master the dance of the bot lane, I’ve found immense value in League of Graphs to understand champion synergies and bot lane metrics.

5. Adaptation: The Fluidity of Roles

While the roles outlined act as a guiding light, the beauty of League lies in its fluidity. With every patch, meta shifts might transform a once-dominant top laner into a formidable jungler or even introduce entirely new playstyles.

Stay updated on these meta shifts with websites like Surrender at 20. They provide invaluable updates on every patch, ensuring you’re always in the loop.

Conclusion: Finding Your Path

Beginning my journey in League of Legends was akin to diving into a rich tapestry of strategy, chaos, and camaraderie. But by understanding the intricate roles, I’ve not only navigated the rift with more confidence but also reveled in the depth and dynamism the game offers.

So, whether you’re drawn to the isolation of the top lane, the unpredictability of the jungle, the duels of mid, or the choreographed dance of bot lane, remember: every role offers a unique rhythm. Find yours, and may your League adventures be as thrilling as mine.

Happy gaming!